Sunday, Racer X and I got together to shake up my regular training routine. It was also a chance to get back to our pre-race season Adventure Racing training simulations that I've missed out on given my current focus. Every 6 weeks, we hold what we call a "4 Hour Block Session". During this training session, we mix up a variety of endurance, aerobic, and strength exercises to prepare for the demands of our 12 hour races. The 4 hour block we held this Sunday was a nice prep for my 50K and also a chance to get to do some other training that my current regime hasn't included.
Our training plan called for:
- 15 min jump rope
- 60 minute trail run
- 1.5 hour mountain bike ride
- 30 minute endurance strength training
- 45 minutes on the elliptical machine
Sunday's weather was iffy with a huge storm bearing down on the Bay Area with high winds and lots of rain predicted. We got off to a late start at noon with clouds threatening but no major rain yet apparent. 15 minutes on a jump rope is extremely boring, so we were pretty happy to head off up the hill on our 60 minute run. We carried a pretty relaxed pace (Racer X is not a runner) and stayed within our target heart rate zone pretty well. Because of the pace, the distance was below my usual, but still I was more concerned about the overall 4 hour time than actual miles. Heading back down the hill our pace quickened as we both looked forward to the biking section. It had been nearly 2 months since my last good back country ride. This one felt great as we picked up the pace and doubled back up the hill we just descended on our run. The winds had picked up to 20-30 knots when we reached the peak. Fortunately it was mainly a quartering or tail wind except for a short section on the return.
As the rain was now imminent, we elected to throw the bikes in my truck and motor to the gym instead--our only cheating of the day. Timing was everything as we hit the gym just as the clouds unleashed with a downpour.
The gym work was rather anti-climatic but a good sound work out despite the contrast to the first half of the block. We probably looked a little strange in mud stained clothes, pushing weights followed immediately by jumping jacks. We were left alone--despite a few strange looks--although neither of us were sure whether it was because we looked too crazy or just smelled too bad.
I finished with lots of energy still left but I was ready to eat a horse. I settled for clearing out every left over in the fridge.
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