The trailhead starts at 700' elevation (about 300' above the surrounding valley) and in 2 miles gains another 500'. It tops out on a rolling ridge line with some fantastic views of the Tri-Valley to the east. Today, you could actually see the Sierra's snowy crestline 100 miles to the east.
The first half of the run is a rather mild incline but steep enough to slow my usual 7:30/mile training pace to 9 minutes/mile. The remaining mile takes a decided pitch up, especially in the last 1/3 of a mile and knocks my pace down to about 10 min/mile. I'm likely to see a LOT of this kind of hill on my run through the Ohlone.
Being this was Sunday, the trail was loaded with weekend moutain bikers, hikers, and dog walkers (some knuckleheads try to combine 2 or more of these at time leading to predictable results). Unfortunately, this kicks in my type A urge to run faster than I should. Overtaking a weekend rider on foot satifies the sadistic side of me, but in fairness, even strong riders would have a hard time beating a runner up the hill. My best time on my bike up this hill is only 2 minutes faster than my run. And the last 1/3 of the hill, I doubt Lance could ride faster than a strong runner. However, he is a minor deity, so I may be wrong on that one.
The run was exceptional..whether because of the rest the day before or because my weekly run miles were lower and thus I was more rested, or what?... and I equalled my fastest climb time.
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