Wednesday, February 15, 2006

You are what you eat

You may remember that I've proclaimed the virtues of Turkey Jerky in my never-ending daily forage for protein and other nutrients my body craves. There are other noteable and nuitritional foods out there and I have learned to hunt them down (without vice presidential support-thank you), and where necessary, even eat them with little regard to the regimes and teachings of haut-culture.

Yesterday's lunch for example was a contrasting study in mutually repugnent but nutritionously valuable foods. Ladies and gentlemen! On this side of my lunch plate I present you with left over Thai Green Curry with chicken and eggplant--loaded with many wonderful grams of protein and some delicious carbs mascarading as rice and coconut milk! Flavor and lots of thai spices a tasty bonus but not a required option! And in this corner, weighing in wtih no less than 2 serving portions--tuna fish and mayonaise salad --without the salad--actually I just didn't have time to get it before starvation kicked in--so really just tuna and mayo. YUMM! That's 45g of protein, roughly 8g of fat, and a whole lot of tummy loving food! But, not one you'll find being offered TOGETHER at say The French Laundry, but phey!, you won't see Chef Keller humping out the miles with me either.

Oh, the FDA says my favorite lunch food--tuna-- may have too much mercury which may result in memory loss. I should be so lucky.

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