Friday, February 10, 2006

A week of blech

I've had a cold since Monday. Coupled with Sunday's tough workout and some major work realted issues, this week I've been a giant stinking mass of suckdom. Getting motivated and hitting my workout plan with any enthusiasm has been a difficult to say the least.

Monday was a day off and time for rest. Unfortunately, a cold took over and changed it to a day of severe sore throat. Tuesday was 20/5's and a 5 mile run. I felt like I was swimming through jello in bloomers. Jared's old bloomers to be exact. Wednesday was nominally better, but sore throat became stuffy head. Thursday's 6 mile run was mercifully short but my runny nose left a trail a slug would envy. Friday. Finally. 50+ went ok with some strength returning. Mercifully, tomorrow is a rest day. I could use it.

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