Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Sunday was a tough day. I had an 18 mile trail run and 20 mile bike ride scheduled. So, I decided to preview the Challenge course by starting at the Del Valle lake trailhead (600') and heading up to Rose Peak (3890'). Why I thought this route was going to be easier than going West to East is beyond me.

In fact, it really sucked. I went from Right to Left on this picture. And it felt that steep too. The first 1:10 I ran probably all of 15 minutes and hiked the rest. Straight up, it felt. And even on the hike-a-run portions I was redlining into anaerobic levels. I reached my 9.2 mile halfway point in 2:20 and I was pretty ragged . The descent back was tough, as well, given the steepness of the pitch. Two miles into my descent back into Del Valle I came up on 3 runners ascending on their through run to Sunol. One was a woman in her late 50's who is running the Western States 100 miler. She had my instant respect. The Western has 18,000 feet in elevation gain over 100 miles. I took some consolation in the fact that she looked as tired as I felt. Bless her heart, though...she thought I was Graham Cooper, winner of last year's Western States--who ran the 100 miles in 18:17. Wow.

I finished up the 18.4 mile run in 3:58. The first 7 miles are a killer and I'm going to have to find a way to slow up and pace them right EVEN ON THE WALK if I'm going to finish all 28 miles with power for the the 35 mile ride. Next week, I get to test out lessons learned as I'll be doing 22 miles the "hard way".

A quick drive back home and a quick bite to eat before finishing up the program with a 20 mile ride. Despite the run, I still had some juice in the tank but fueling the engine proved to be another lesson to consider. I put in a good 17.5mph average pace ride on a simi-hilly route but I could tell I was burning lean. By the time I got home again, I was famished. This despite constant fueling on the run, a quick lunch, and a gel on the 1:10 ride.

I'm now thinking this will be a 5:15-5:30 run and 2:15 ride. This ain't going to be as easy or as fast as I thought.

This coming Sunday is the last big push before I taper off for the Challenge. It'll also give me one more data point to fine tune the run/ride estimate.

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