Friday, December 25, 2009

Chrismas Wish List

  • A couple of 25K's races/runs including Big Basin and Desolation Wilderness
  • Ohlone: just me and the dog
  • More of this....
  • Another stretch-- high mileage, ultra-light style-- on the PCT with Racer X
  • 1-2 short mileage backpacks with Madman jr. (a father-son)
  • Some paddles with Madman Jr. even if it's just a jaunt up to Del Valle
  • Another outing with La Familia in the Slough
Mountain Biking
  1. Mancation to Gooseberry/Bryce area
  2. Tahoe Rim Trail and Peavine weekend
  3. Downieville
  4. Free Practice or Henry Coe
Road Rides
  1. Tierra Bella as a warmup
  2. Mt. Hamilton
  3. Diablo loop 100miler
  4. Healdsburg area metric or century
Adventure Races
  1. Half Moon Bay as a warmup
  2. Tahoe Blue 12 or 24

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