Thursday, October 12, 2006

We interrupt this programming...

So, I'm giving some serious thought to organizing a non-race run/bike event for next April for those crazy enough to consider it.

The "Ohlone Beast 40-50" is a one day combination run-bike. Beginning at Lake Del Valle it would go via the Ohlone Wilderness Trail (24 miles or 40K) to the trail head at Mission Peak Park at Stanford Ave in Fremont CA. The next segment would be a 50K (39 mile) ride via Calaveras Blvd back to Pleasanton. I expect that the run will take ~ 4-5 hours and the ride ~3.

This is pure concept and open to change. I'm looking for interested participants for any and all of the segments.

Let me know if you're interested or know others who might be. More to follow.

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